A journey through ACL surgery and recovery with sarcasm, wittiness, graphic details, humor, and postive reminders.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pre-Op Fun and I Lost My Crutch.

Well, it's really happening. I went in this morning for my pre-op testing. I filled out lots of paper work, met with a physical therapist, and had blood work done.

After filling out pages and pages of paperwork, they had me meet with a hospital PT, to show me exercises that I will need to start immediately after surgery until I meet with my regular PT. She said the focus of the first 2 weeks is pain management, reducing swelling, and getting back some range of motion. They met with me now to tell me all of this because I will be too drug induced to care after surgery.

After going through all my exercises, I headed down to the dungeon to find the lab and get my blood work done. Anyone that knows me is aware that I have to the worst luck with most things, and blood work is no exception. I have midget veins, and only the elite phlebotomists can find them. A typical blood draw for me consists of more than 3 sticks with the needle, both arms abused, and an aftermath of bruises similar to that of a heroine addict. Wasn't I pleasantly surprised when my wonderful phlebotomist got me on the first try, without digging around-- straight shot to the vein. Just like that I was done- she said I shouldn't bruise-- and I believed her!

After that I was sent on my way with a packet of info to prepare me for my surgery. I will say, I was not happy about the part that instructed me not to shave the leg for the few days leading up to surgery-- for some people that might not be a big deal- but I am Italian/Sicilian. Ideally I need to shave twice a day. So I am apologizing in advance to my nurses and surgeon, because they are in for a fun stubbly surprise.

On another note, my crutch armpit squishy pads came in- and I went to go put them on my crutches and low and behold... I lost one. How do you lose a crutch? Oh I am not sure, but I certainly managed to do so. So I have 2 weeks to pray to St. Anthony as much as possible and hope that my missing crutch turns up. This is typical Chrissy. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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