A journey through ACL surgery and recovery with sarcasm, wittiness, graphic details, humor, and postive reminders.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pre-Op Fun and I Lost My Crutch.

Well, it's really happening. I went in this morning for my pre-op testing. I filled out lots of paper work, met with a physical therapist, and had blood work done.

After filling out pages and pages of paperwork, they had me meet with a hospital PT, to show me exercises that I will need to start immediately after surgery until I meet with my regular PT. She said the focus of the first 2 weeks is pain management, reducing swelling, and getting back some range of motion. They met with me now to tell me all of this because I will be too drug induced to care after surgery.

After going through all my exercises, I headed down to the dungeon to find the lab and get my blood work done. Anyone that knows me is aware that I have to the worst luck with most things, and blood work is no exception. I have midget veins, and only the elite phlebotomists can find them. A typical blood draw for me consists of more than 3 sticks with the needle, both arms abused, and an aftermath of bruises similar to that of a heroine addict. Wasn't I pleasantly surprised when my wonderful phlebotomist got me on the first try, without digging around-- straight shot to the vein. Just like that I was done- she said I shouldn't bruise-- and I believed her!

After that I was sent on my way with a packet of info to prepare me for my surgery. I will say, I was not happy about the part that instructed me not to shave the leg for the few days leading up to surgery-- for some people that might not be a big deal- but I am Italian/Sicilian. Ideally I need to shave twice a day. So I am apologizing in advance to my nurses and surgeon, because they are in for a fun stubbly surprise.

On another note, my crutch armpit squishy pads came in- and I went to go put them on my crutches and low and behold... I lost one. How do you lose a crutch? Oh I am not sure, but I certainly managed to do so. So I have 2 weeks to pray to St. Anthony as much as possible and hope that my missing crutch turns up. This is typical Chrissy. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012


I watched a video of Mariano Rivera tearing his ACL last night during the Yankees game last night. I will tell you, I feel the dude's pain. When I tore my ACL, I made the SAME EXACT face that he made when he tore his. We also did the same collapse/roll/fetal position scenario. I was of course way more graceful about it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

40 Days and 40 Nights

It's officially 40 days until the big day. It seems fitting that it is raining.

At this point I just want to get it over with... waiting is the worst part. I'm kind of in a holding tank right now. I feel like one of those goldfish that is stuck in a plastic bag. The GFish can't do anything but wait... it's sort of pathetic.
I do have semi stupid questions I need answered, and I am not sure who to ask.

When will I be able to sit indian style again?
Believe it or not, this is one of my most missed activities. I realize now how much I actually sat around indian style. It was a lot. I LOVE sitting indian style. I can't tell you how much I just want to criss cross apple sauce all day long.

When will pushing and pulling store doors be easy again?
This is one of those things that you would never think would be a problem. Something with planting your feet and using your whole body to push and pull doors... whatever it is, I no longer have that ability. I have to do the one leg swoop with this one right now. I have a new found appreciation for automatic doors.
When will I be able to kick my own ass again?
I used to have no problem literally kicking my own butt with my foot. It's now impossible! I still got the right side, but I don't want to neglect my left butt cheek. It's just not fair. From what I hear, this might be one of those things that I will never get back. The thought of never being able to kick my own left ass makes me a little sad, but in the grand scheme of things... I don't think it will change the course of my life.

I've decided I am going to set milestones for myself.  That way I will have a  list of things to work towards and then I can cross things off my list as my recovery goes on. On the list? Double left en dehors pirouette. It will happen again!

I've worked up from doing only half bike revolutions for 10 minutes, to ride fully on the bike for 40 minutes. This is great news. I set a goal each day, and then passed the goal before stopping. That's my plan for post surgery recovery.

"We may get knocked down on the outside, but the key to living in victory is to learn how to get up on the inside." -Joel O