A journey through ACL surgery and recovery with sarcasm, wittiness, graphic details, humor, and postive reminders.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hello 2013, Are you there? It's me, Chrissy.

It is safe to say that I have dropped the ball on my blog. Never fear, as I have returned. First I will catch you up. Then I will tell you why I need 2013 to start. Lastly, I will explain my new direction for my blog.

It's been 6 months and 13 days (or 197 days) since my surgery. This means I have just passed the halfway point of my recovery. I've had ups and downs (but no turns! hahaha) since my last post. I graduated from physical therapy, I've had a few follow ups with the doctor, and I have gone back to all my dance classes.The doctor says everything is on track-- no leaps or turns, but for the most part I can work out and dance as I feel comfortable. I'm teaching 2 jazz classes, 2 hip hop classes, and 2 tap classes a week. I've taken it slow, but try to do a little more each week. my scare is still not very attractive, but hopefully it will chillax as time goes by. My hip bursitis that I developed as a result of my surgery has stayed longer than it was welcome-- which was not at all. I got a cortisone shot in September, it helped for about a month and a half, and then the pain came creeping back. If I have dance, the next morning I walk with a limp. If I sit for too long, when I get up, I walk with a limp. 50 cent was hit with a few shells but doesn't walk with a limp. I get hit with a scalpel and now I do walk with a limp. Figures. Ghetto Fab.

Dr. A says the bext 6 months are tough because I will think I am better than I am. I will get frustrated that I can't do things. I will be pissed that progress is slow and at times be unnoticeable. I need to be extra careful because it is still fragile and healing. He says his best advice is... patience. Great... cause everyone knows I am super great at being patient. I will see him again right around the 1 year mark. Hopefully I will be back to normal by then.

Now, as for 2012. It's quite clear that this was not my year. The curses overshadowed the good in my pessimistic brain. More specifically, the last 6 months of 2012 did not work out for me. I have been waiting for 2013 to start- I cannot wait to have a fresh year. I have given up on this year, so 2013 better be good. 2012, you suck. Bad.

I saw an article the other day about a man who took a picture every single day for 18 years. I decided that I was going to try and tackle this, but maybe not for the same reasons he did. I need to change my perspective. I also need to remind myself that for an unlucky person, I am still pretty lucky. Each day I will take a picture of something that makes me happy, or something I appreciate, or something fabulous, or something everyone should see, etc. Surely I can find at least one thing each day to be happy or thankful about, right?

New Year's Resolution-- Be happy. Be fun. Be a better friend to the friends worth being better friends to (I have figured out who those people are). Post a picture daily to remind myself that there are always good things in my life, I just have to look around and notice them. Get my shit together with knee rehab.

So good riddance, 2012. Hello, 2013. (As long as I survive one plane ride)