A journey through ACL surgery and recovery with sarcasm, wittiness, graphic details, humor, and postive reminders.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dun Dun Dun! Congrats you are having surgery!

So after tearing my ACL on March 2, getting Xrays and MRIs, meeting with the surgeon to confirm I tore my ACL, and doing 4 weeks of physical therapy... it was made official. ACL Reconstruction surgery on June 12th! The reason I am waiting a little longer than normal is because I am a part time dance teacher... and our annual recital is on June 10th. What's a couple more weeks, right?

There are 3 types of ACL reconstruction surgery- Hamstring Graft, Patellar Graft, and Cadaver Graft. My surgeon has decided to opt for the hamstring graft. Basically all this means is that he is using a part of my hamstring tendon to harvest into a new ACL for me. 

I will be having my surgery done at the hospital, where I may or may not be spending the night. I have never had any broken bones or stitches in my 29 years on this earth, minus wisdom teeth extraction. I am surprised it took me this long, since I am relatively clumsy and prone to weird things happening to me. Anyways, I am mentally prepared for most of what I have been told will happen.

I have read a billion blogs, looked at a billion pictures, and watched a few surgery videos on youtube.... yes I know... horrible idea. But I am a control freak and I need to know exactly what is happening at all times, so I couldn't help it. I will say, the blogs have helped out a lot. My favorite, favorite go to blog is this one Andrew's Blog - this kid is awesome. He makes me laugh while giving me a strong dose of reality. So he has inspired me to start my own blog-- for my own sanity above anything else. I will keep track of my recovery, so that if I ever get frustrated I can look back and see how far I have come. I will post pictures, quotes, and anything that happens throughout my year of recovery. 

"Life is 10% what happens to you & 90% how you handle it"
-Charles Swindoll

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