A journey through ACL surgery and recovery with sarcasm, wittiness, graphic details, humor, and postive reminders.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Who wants to run a marathon?

So we kicked off wedding season this past weekend. Saturday was our first wedding of 8 in the next 3 months. It just so happens I had another follow up with Dr. A on Friday, just in time!

I was nervous as hell going to my appointment. My expectation or hope was that he would give me the tests, and take me out of the immobilizer. Judging from the PT's thoughts, I would be out of the immobilizer but still on crutches.

Dr. A came in, tested the strength of the new ACL, had me do a few things on the table, and then he says... have you walked without crutches? Now... what do I say to this.

I am a horrible liar. I have the worst poker face, and I went to catholic school so I carry the jesus guilt. I have no problem shooting out minor fiblets on occassion... but for the most part, I suck at lying. I also know that you should never lie to your doctor about important things. I also don't want to get yelled at. So the following conversation happened:

Dr. A: Have you walked without crutches
Me: Ummmm... (look at Kyle, look at Dr. A, turn red, look down)... I may have.
Dr. A: Why did you bring your crutches in then?
Kyle: Because she didn't want to get yelled at
Dr. A: Why would I yell at you?
Me: Because you told me to stay in the immobilizer and use crutches

He then tells me to walk. This is not as easy as it sounds.... walking is no longer something I do without thinking. I now in my head (or out loud) say... "Bend, lift, straighten, heel, toe". Luckily my PT warned me and coached me about the do's and don'ts of what I needed to do to pass the tests. I also knew that my major weaknesses are bending my leg, and doing straight leg lifts. Straight leg lifts are not something I am good at. She sternly tells me that I NEED to squeeze the quad before lifting, or I will get the shakes, and fail miserably. Even doing that I might fail because my strength is so bad.

So wasn't luck on my side when he has me do everything EXCEPT the leg raises??? Yes, it sure was. And by was, I mean WAS.

All seems great on the test front until Dr. A decides to call my PT to double check that everything is going ok. He says alot of ok, ok, yes, ok, hmmm, ok. Then he's back. He looks at me and says do a straight leg raise.


Son of a nutracker, gosh darn, jimminy crickets.

I do it, he says "stop with the baby muscles"... what does that even mean???? I have no idea!

So he tells me... you need to work on that, but you are off crutches.....


Followed by... 
for the most part... except for when you need to stand or walk for a while (ie weddings). Poop.

Oh well, the positive is... I am moving forward!! Baby steps. I will be at this walking and stationary bike stage for 8 weeks... then we will work on getting back to activities. I will take it.

So we spent the weekend up in NH- went to a wedding of a former dance team teammate. It was great to be with the whole gang, and super great that they didn't ditch me all night to be on the dance floor. We were joking beforehand that I should learn to do the Lisa Turtle "Sprain". Shout out to Saved By the Bell.

We all hung out and had a great time, and it wasn't a downer to not be dancing as much as I thought. The fact that they stayed with me made it less painful. Hopefully by our last wedding of the year (another dance team wedding!) I will be able to bust a move.

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